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Creag Meagaidh conditions – 13 January 2018
The Creag Meagaidh conditions today were a little windy, the wind definitely started to pick up a little around noon. The snowline started around 450-500m, and the path was pretty straightforward to follow. Lots of small pockets of slab around, and the consistency of the snow was wet, until you got higher. No blue sky today, what a shame. Some fog shrouding the mountain tops.
The view of Coire Ardair:
A closer look up Easy Gully and Staghorn Gully:
The view of Coire Ardair Inner Corrie:
A closer view of South Pipe Direct and The Pumpkin:
Good ice has formed.
Closer view of The Pumpkin:
Lots of ice has formed, maybe thin in a few places.
Overall, the Creag Meagaidh conditions looked like everything was forming, but not quite there yet.
If you are keen to book onto one of our winter courses, please click here, and look at what we have available. Otherwise get in touch.