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The Climbing Psychology book uses the latest in sports psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, scientific research and the author’s own experiences to explain a complicated subject. “Climbing psychology” describes how the mind works in fearful situations – looking at fear and how it manifests not only psychologically but also physically. This book looks at the fear of falling, the fear of failure, the influence of thought, behavioural patterns and performance anxiety.
The book’s concept is that with self-awareness, it is possible to train step-by-step to deal with these aspects in climbing. We live in a society where we strive for results but aren’t always sure how to get there.
We can achieve so much more than we think we are capable of with a few simple techniques and a willingness to learn. A beautifully illustrated book, with interactive video links, great content and plenty of exercises to play with.
What did Øyvind Grande say: “This book gives a very good insight to climbing psychology and how to improve your mental abilities in climbing. I have actively used the book as a handrail when facing mental challenges in my climbing, and it really helps using others’ insight and experience to evolve in this field.”
If you are unsure, HERE is a review by John Kettle a GB climbing coach.
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